Ceci N'est Pas Un Canard – and Other Machine Learning Stories

This post was originally written on my Coil site, which is currently my main blogging platform. On there you will also see bonus content if you are a Coil subscriber.

I was invited to give a guest lecture (remotely) to a class of Computer Science students at Samford University, Alabama on machine learning.

The lecture covered some of the posts I've written about previously in this blog, on machine learning experiments I've been doing and also some practical examples of some of the algorithms they have learned / will be learning such as Generative Adverserial Networks (GANs) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs).

The video of the talk is available on Cinnamon or YouTube:

And the slides are available on Slideshare:

Thanks very much to Asst. Professor Brian Toone for inviting me.

If you wish to use any of the tools mentioned at the end of the video such as Watson Data Studio you can sign up for IBM Cloud .

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