I've just been upgrading our Jenkins 1.x server to Jenkins 2.0. I've been migrating our previous jobs to new Multibranch Pipeline Jobs.
One of the snags I hit was that the previous nice ANSI sequences and UTF-8 symbols that we used to have were getting mangled and coming up as a series of escape characters and question marks.
There were actually two parts to fix this:
- The ANSI Color plugin needs to be called in the Pipeline code, you can't just select a checkbox
- The pipeline jobs start on the master and then get allocated a slave to run. So they take the locale of the master not the slave
So to fix:
Call the ANSI color plugin using a wrap statement. e.g.:
node('xcode7') {
// Manually set the workspace to deal with clang
// choking on %2f in the directory
ws(getWorkspace()) {
// Wrap to enable ANSI escape sequences
wrap([$class: 'AnsiColorBuildWrapper', 'colorMapName': 'XTerm', 'defaultFg': 1, 'defaultBg': 2]) {
workspace = pwd()
// Mark the code checkout 'stage'....
stage 'Checkout'
// Checkout code from repository
checkout scm
Secondly, you need to ensure the master runs as UTF-8. To do this I passed in an argument to the start script for Jenkins:
So, in my case on FreeBSD, the statements I have in rc.conf
jenkins_args="--webroot=/usr/local/jenkins/war --httpPort=8180"
jenkins_java_opts="-Djava.net.preferIPv6Addresses=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8"
Now it looks all pretty again and we get all the colouring and symbols from the output of Fastlane: